You Should Know That;

The Practitioners of Content Creating, Skit-making and Influencers Guild of Nigeria (PCCSIGN) is a newly established organization created to give social media influencers, online and digital creators a voice, safe haven to work, interact, engage, and collaborate.

This exciting industry, is broad for anyone starting out, trying to reach audiences, working with brands, and identifying areas to easily carve a niche. The union’s
aim is to improve the industry standards while operating in the ambit of social media space.

Whilst focusing on benefits, contracts, solidarity, and working together as a team, the union is aimed at making the industry a formal venture and a prestigious
career in the Nigerian work environment.

Our Core Values


Innovation and Creativity

We champion the spirit of innovation and creativity, encouraging content creators to explore new ideas, experiment with different formats, and push the boundaries of digital content.




We are dedicated to empowering Nigerian youth by providing them with the resources, training, and support needed to succeed in the content creation industry. Our goal is to foster financial independence and professional growth.




We uphold the highest standards of professionalism within the content creation industry. By establishing best practices and ethical guidelines, we ensure that our members maintain integrity and excellence in their work.



Community and Collaboration

We believe in the power of community and collaboration. By creating a supportive network, we enable content creators to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects, enhancing creativity and growth.


Why We Exist & Our Goal

Online content creation is the newest avenue of financial sustainability for young Nigerians. Most content creators began as a passion but eventually translated into a profitable venture.

The fact that people can make money from their passions makes it sound like an ideal job to anyone. But there is of course much more effort behind the scenes that eventually makes it a success.

The Union is created to fill the gap and create leeway for the content creators and talented media influencers to protect their members likely to face any form of threat, oppression and unforeseeable circumstances that might arise either by brands, governmental agencies, or even the society.

One critical goal is for the Union to help and support those working in the world of social media. The Union is fashioned to give content creators a safe place
where they can have a community of like-minds facing the same struggles. This Union will offer guidance, advice, on the legalities of the profession, and
supporting them in working to fair contracts, holding forth for them in case of any external suppression by external forces.

Professionalism and Structure

Re-Branding The Entire Social Media Creative Industry

The digital content creators will aim at putting in professionalism and a structure that will enable its members be given the desired or expected accolades in the line of their duty in Nigeria. Cases have risen from the industry that has left content creators all alone to go through relegations and litigations understandably making them feel alone and lost.

PCCSIGN will be the bridge and the umbrella to shield all content creators giving them trustworthy guidance and the right grooming for upcoming content creators as well. Without the content creator’s union, we will all miss out of a lot of opportunities within our territorial space.

From our research within the industry, there are quite a huge amount of discrimination surrounding brands working with some of the digital content creators due to a cliché of stereotypical beliefs about a few or because they have certain outward negative perception.

PCCSIGN to this effect is created to address these salient issues.